Monday, September 28, 2020

An Evening of Cocktails Conversations with Checkrs Women Sales Leaders

An Evening of Cocktails Conversations with Checkr's Women Sales Leaders After our ongoing sold out building occasion with Checkr (that is the group in the occasion photograph), PowerToFly has joined forces with Checkr to introduce a selective night including the ladies deals pioneers of Checkr, whose stage makes it simple for a large number of clients to enlist a great many individuals consistently. The occasion will happen on Thursday, October eleventh from 6pm to 8:30pm at Checkr's HQ, situated at 120 Kearny Street, Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94104. Today, just four years after Checkr began, the organization is running one million individual verifications for each month for in excess of 10,000 clients who they've helped enlist a huge number of individuals for. Their great rundown of customers incorporate Lyft, Grubhub and Zillow.Agenda (Subject to Change): 6:00pm - Check-In and Networking over Drinks and Light Food6:30pm - Event Kickoff with PowerToFly6:35pm - Keynote Address6:45pm - Panel Discussion including from CheckrScott Davis - VP WW Sales Kr isten Faris - VP Industry StrategyErin Bates - Sr. Director, SalesErin Lindheim - Sr. Chief, Customer Success7:00pm - Audience QA7:20pm - Networking over Drinks and Light FoodYou don't need to be searching for new chances to join in, yet Checkr is employing! Their stunning advantages incorporate adaptable took care of time, significant value, provided food snacks, hands-on training and expert turn of events, 12 weeks of paid family leave, and wellbeing exercise center enrollment repayments. Look at photographs about our ongoing Checkr occasion HERE. About our Events: All RSVP'd participants are welcome, paying little heed to race, shading, religion, national starting point, sexual orientation personality, pregnancy, physical or mental incapacity, or age. On the off chance that you expect convenience to completely take part in this occasion, it would be ideal if you email, and we will get in touch with you to talk about your particular needs.Unfortunately, PowerToFl y and the organization it is holding an occasion for the benefit of can't concede outside enrollment specialists to that specific occasion. It would be ideal if you email on the off chance that you have any inquiries concerning this approach.

Monday, September 21, 2020

How to Turn Negative Qualities Into Positives During a Job Interview

Instructions to Turn Negative Qualities Into Positives During a Job Interview How often have questioners gotten some information about your most critical shortcoming? Also, how often have you vacillated and bumbled to think of an answer?Now that you've reached the finish of your scholarly profession, you are going to go into this present reality where you will go after positions. Perhaps your fantasy job.evalWhen contrasted with the most troublesome of scholastic tasks, prospective employee meet-ups are unmistakably all the more testing. At the point when you show up for a meeting, you need to confront it by yourself.However, you are not the only one. We are with you, and we can assist you with turning around dubious questions.The most regular region where the greater part of us vacillate is during the precarious inquiries in regards to our qualities and shortcomings. At the point when a questioner gets some information about your shortcomings, they would prefer really not to think about your negative aspects.This may appear to be outlandish, however rather, t hey need to realize how versatile you are. All the more in this way, how compelling you are at changing yourself into a superior human being.While responding to the inquiry regarding your most prominent defects, ensure you keep the accompanying in mind:1) Be PreparedQuite frequently, a precarious inquiry like What is your most prominent quality and shortcoming? finds us napping and we wind up blanking while at the same time looking for a noteworthy answer. The most ideal approach to evade this situation is to remain arranged in advance.You definitely realize that the questioner will pose this for all intents and purposes required inquiry, so why not be prepared with your answers! Rack your cerebrum and make a rundown of your imperfect traits.evalThen outline them decidedly, and cause solid focuses about how you to have made constructive strides towards evolving them.2) Be Honest and Be YourselfIf nothing else, be honest to the individual meeting you. Being straight to the point and open about what you genuinely feel can procure you focuses with any spotter. A decent questioner can see through untruths, so don't attempt to trick them or tell half-truths.Make sure that each scholarly and proficient case on your CV is exact. Additionally, don't attempt to be someone else to dazzle the interviewer.3) Explain How You Overcame a WeaknessEveryone has a defect, thus do you. Along these lines, don't so guarantee that you are some otherworldly special case. To begin with, comprehend that it is totally sensible to have weaknesses.evalSo, inform them concerning a defect that you have and share how you are attempting to beat that inadequacy. What is significant is the means by which well you can deal with your shortcomings and get the best out of them.4) Be Positive Throughout the InterviewHandle negative inquiries with a certain position. This will demonstrate your fortitude and show your enrollment specialist how formed you are and how well you can deal with predicament. Frequently, individuals get anxious and wind up bobbling for answers.That is a characteristic reaction. In any case, on the off chance that you answer a negative inquiry adversely, this will mirror your attitude and approach. Assume they get some information about the explanation you left your past occupation. Don't, under any situation, reprimand your previous workplace.When it comes to discussing your imperfections, it begins with acknowledgment. It is the point at which you acknowledge that you have a shortcoming that you realize how to manage it and defeat it.Even while discussing your inadequacies, ensure you express it with a grin. This will mirror the idealistic and good standpoint that you have throughout everyday life and with respect to your future.Here are five defects that you can guarantee as your negatives and afterward transform them around into positive perspectives about yourself to intrigue the interviewer.5) Time ManagementTime the board is a serious issue for so me experts, and it very well may be yours as well. On the off chance that you imagine that you can't oversee time appropriately, at that point you can state it asyour weakness.If you believe you can't convey your day by day work focus inside the 8 hours window, don't hesitate to impart it to your questioner when posed the feared inquiry. In any case, simultaneously, ensure you notice how you are attempting to enhance it and how far have you have come.Tell them how you have taken measures to develop as updates and cautions and about the positive walks that you have made up until this point. Give them that you have put time in amending your weakness.evalTell them how you intend to handle the most basic assignments first and keep your work area increasingly sorted out to oversee time better.6) Taking A Lot of StressWhen got some information about your most noteworthy shortcoming, you can say the amount you stress over gathering cutoff times and how you wind up taking a great deal of po intless pressure which thusly makes you restless. This can fill in as a positive since the enrollment specialist will realize how genuine you are about the work alloted to you.Anybody committed to their activity is a decent representative and therefore will make the questioner give positive input about you. Agonizing over a moving toward cutoff time is good.However, when you wind up taking a ton of stress, things may get somewhat insane. So ensure you turn this around by advising how you are preparing yourself to deal with things better and figuring out how to take less stress.7) Being a PerfectionistWhen gotten some information about your greatest defect, you can answer saying that you are regularly excessively hard on yourself and too basic over all that you do. You can clarify how you have consistently been discontent with the work that you deliver.evalSay how you generally take a stab at flawlessness but then in some way or another you believe you don't accomplish it. This will give the spotter a view into your truthfulness and determination. In any case, that isn't the place it ought to end.Make sure you clarify how you are attempting to acquire a positive change. Notice how because of that blemish, you generally give your 100%. At that point, say how you are figuring out how to welcome yourself more by tolerating achievements and awards as you get them.Perfectionism is an attribute that can be both a defect and a commendable quality. A lot of compulsiveness can be inconvenient to your confidence, and yet, it can likewise guarantee the enrollment specialist how specific you are about the work you deliver.8) ShynessBeing timid is, obviously, not an imperfection. In any case, it can come as a deterrent in the work environment on the off chance that you can't bond with your associates. Being modest can be unfavorable to cooperation when you need to act in a gathering. And yet, bashfulness can be redressed utilizing different techniques.You can profess to be timid, yet then notice how you are attempting to defeat your blemish by connecting with over numerous talking classes. Tell your scout how you have rolled out constructive improvements and how you have gotten increasingly sure and outgoing.Narrate how you have taken exercises in boosting your confidence, which has helped you step out of the shell and make friends.9) ProcrastinationProcrastination is an issue that numerous individuals have, and regardless of whether you don't understand it, you may have it as well. You might be feeling that taking ownership of this negative attribute can land you in boiling water. In any case, there is a keen method of putting this, turning it around to make it seem as though a positive.When you state that you are blameworthy of stalling, ensure you additionally catch up with how you are attempting to change that negative behavior pattern. Tell the spotter how you have begun making an everyday practice to adapt to procrastination.You can likewise say how you have checked your dependence via web-based networking media and put forth an attempt to prevent yourself from utilizing your telephone in the middle of work. You can likewise specify how you are instructing yourself to be intellectually arranged to begin work quickly without delay.When got some information about your shortcomings, it is a slip-up to guarantee that you are liberated from absconds. It is smarter to be forthright, and genuine. In this way, admit to the defects you have.It isn't important to react to a negative inquiry contrarily. You can enlighten the enrollment specialist concerning a shortcoming that you have through the viewpoint of positive advances you are taking towards conquering it. This will show how concerned you are about your presentation.

Monday, September 14, 2020

How to keep both genders happy in the workplace

Step by step instructions to keep the two sexes cheerful in the work environment Step by step instructions to keep the two sexes cheerful in the work environment In the course of recent years, Acceleration Partners has been named one of the 100 Best Workplaces for Women (on account of Great Place to Work Institute and Fortune magazine). Indeed, 79% of our workforce today is ladies. This made me consider what a best work environment for men would resemble. Specialty lager on tap, break room TV playing ESPN, twilight Xbox rivalries - seems like a man's fantasy working environment, right?While these advantages may make for a pleasant work environment for an ongoing college alumni, an extraordinary work environment requires a far more profound meaning of direction and culture past shallow work environment benefits. An extraordinary organization is one that can accomplish strong, long haul monetary achievement in blend with the individual and expert development of its workers. These organizations discover approaches to make adaptability and consistent work-life integration.Supporting all representatives - ladies and men - in their missions for ind ividual and expert development is a main concern at Acceleration Partners, and I'd prefer to believe it's one reason the organization has been a beneficiary of numerous culture awards . This made me step back to consider the things we have to continue doing right. Here are five of them:1. Measure results, not time in the office.Years back, I had a supervisor who was a lot more joyful in the event that I was in the workplace early, regardless of whether I was simply messing around on my PC, than if I came in at an ordinary hour. At Acceleration Partners, we center around yield, not input, realizing that more time does not equal more profitability. As opposed to remunerating the time individuals put in, we reward the time they spend working brilliantly and efficiently.2. Allow individuals to work anyway they work best.We give a truly adaptable - however responsible - workplace. Individuals can work when and how they need, as long as they take care of business. I can't reveal to you th e quantity of individuals who have removed a various hour every day drive when they go along with us. On the off chance that those representatives give us a large portion of that time and spend the other half on close to home interests, that is an enormous success win. In addition, individuals will in general be more efficient without the distractions of an office domain. Interferences cost the U.S. economy a whopping $588 billion a year.3. Try not to get tied up with balance.The term work-life balance is deceiving. It accept everything can generally be in congruity, that individuals' lives are equivalent amounts of work and play. Actually, be that as it may, that nobody's meaning of offset is accomplishing work with an infant bobbing on their lap. Combination, then again, happens when individuals have both important work and time to seek after close to home and expert development.4. Plan to be around for the long haul.Too some high-development organizations couldn't care less about the drawn out impacts of helpless representative commitment and fulfillment. At Acceleration Partners, we know it's imperative to characterize our way of life, consider our kin and communicate our organization's vision if we need to construct a suffering business. I suggest joining associations that share those qualities - ie. EO and the Tugboat Institute.5. Understand that the two sexual orientations need support in their own pursuits.People are our most prominent asset, and we are committed to making an unrivaled workplace for the entirety of our representatives. Numerous ladies are hitting their expert step directly as they choose to begin families, and numerous employments cause them to pick between a profession and a family. What's more, while it's not discussed as regularly, the same applies to men. Our President and I fill in as hard as anybody, yet we both additionally focus on it to be around for our families. The explanation I made a culture of adaptability in any case wa s with the goal that I didn't need to pick between viewing my youngsters grow up and having a significant career.Part of our strategic Acceleration Partners is to change the customary work-life worldview. We might not have brew on tap or an office dream football association, however we do put a premium on combination, adaptability and responsibility. That center has helped us pull in top ability, develop our organization and even obstacle the number-five spot for an incredible spot to work.Robert Glazer is the originator and CEO of Acceleration Partners and the writer of the universal top rated book Performance Partnerships. Join 40,000 worldwide pioneers who follow his uplifting weekly Friday Forward, invite him to talk, or tail him on Twitter.This article was initially posted on

Monday, September 7, 2020

Three Top Technology Trends For Personal Assistants In 2020

West End Office: City Office: The prime expertise tendencies in 2020 for PAs As a personal assistant, to say you complete a plethora of different tasks can be an understatement. While it could appear overwhelming at occasions, know-how may help to complete a few of these duties shortly and effectively. From managing diaries to arranging events and transport, embracing new technology can serve to increase productivity and reduce errors. As one of many main job companies in London, we’ve put together three know-how developments and tools that can assist you in your day-to-day working life. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Certain duties could be repetitive and time-consuming. By utilizing specific AI applied sciences, nevertheless, you'll be able to reduce how much time is spent on these, enabling you to give attention to more strategic tasks. Using AI also can assist to cut back the chance of human error, similar to double-booking conferences or buying airplane tickets on the incorrect day. Technologies like, for example, can schedule multiple calendars and coordinate optimal instances for meetings for you[1]. The software responds to meeting requests by way of e-mail and suggests occasions that go well with all individuals based mostly on time zones, time between meetings and your principal’s desired assembly time. In a pattern report performed by Advanced[2] in 2019, 34% of administrative professionals acknowledged that they've some publicity to AI technologies on a daily basis (up from 26% in 2018), thus proving it’s rising in popularity. Specialised cloud software Specialised cloud software provides a number of advantages and is generally simple to make use of, with one benefit being elevated flexibility. As a PA with a busy schedule, cloud software permits you to access your recordsdata from wherever on the earth. Cloud software can also be better for the surroundings compared to a paper-based mostly system[3]. Where you may have beforehand churned via tons of of sheets of paper a week when reporting, managing expenses or arranging journey, using cloud software program can minimise this. This could possibly be using one thing as simple as Google Drive, or a extra specialised system like Workday (finance) or Splunk (IT). Collaboration software If you’re in a PA job in London, good communication is essential. You’re required to liaise with a variety of completely different individuals internally and externally, so utilizing collaborative functions and software might make your job significantly easier. Applications corresponding to Slack[fou r] permit you to share information and obtain responses from colleagues instantly. Individual or group conversations are attainable â€" and every thing is searchable in Slack so you possibly can quickly catch up on past conversations. As you'll be able to see from the above record, embracing know-how when completing your daily duties might prove to be extraordinarily helpful in your overall productivity. It may even free up your time to work on duties that require a human touch, like managing an office transfer, or speaking along with your principal’s purchasers. Written by Beckie Jordan for Advanced WATCH: The future of work after Covid-19 Are you looking to plan the way forward for your office publish-COVID-19? I just lately hosted a webinar with three experts to supply steering and assist surrounding the future of work. Bruce Daisley, host of Eat Sleep Work Repeat podcast; Dr Heejung Chung from the University of Kent; and CIPD Director David D’Souza share their Read extra Six secrets to promoting digital wellness as a remote worker In its most simple form, digital wellness refers to utilizing know-how, similar to mobile phones, social media and the web in a means that promotes active, healthy use, rather than passive scrolling. Not only can senseless scrolling be a time waster, but excessive use of tech like social media can lead to health problems like Read extra Sign up for the newest workplace insights. Looking for a job Looking to recruit